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COME TO Turkey


  • Turkey is a great country that is located in between Europe and Asia and it refers as bridge between the two continents.​

  • Turkey is the youngest country in Europe. ​

  • Turkey, considering the Ranking of economy , Turkey is the 13th largest country in the world.

  • Turkey is an official candidate for European Union and member of G20 as well as NATO.

  • With international security being among European countries can help you get fund for your project.

  • Human right is pioneer in law .​

  • Turkey is ranked as the 6th most popular tourism destination in the world.

ınvest and lıve ın great cıty ıstanbul 


Annually over 500,000 immigrant prefer to come to Turkey for living in 2019.  Iranian, Arabians, Korean, Chinnes and other countries prefer Turkey for living cause it has advantageous rules of law for foreigners, entrepreneurship opportunity with good weather and is located in perfect geographical situation.

So if you are eager to migrate here GlobalB law Firm is here to help you find the best place for residency and get you residency permit , find best school for your children, and help you to get work permit.

We offer important opportunities to live in an attractive country in the center of the world, which is the bridge between Europe and Asia.

GlobalB Law with its spectacular lawyer and advisers team can help you build your home in Turkey. 

our services


In spite of fact that people think establishing a company is hard it is simple if you know the process of it and have clues about law so if you want to establish a company in turkey, you need help of experts. GlobalB law is here to help to establish your company as soon as possible and start a new life in turkey.

get cıtızenshıp

Buying house is the easiest way of getting the residency permit of turkey.  

if you buy a house worth $ 250,000 turkey government will give you permanent residency .But if you are not capable of buying a $ 250,000 house you can buy a sweat little house and get your temporary residency permit and then after 5 years we will give you permanent residency permit

get resident and work permit 

For the people who are working in a company we can help them get their work permit. First their manager should call out for getting the permit for his employees and by following the legal steps with the help of a lawyer you can get your work permit.




Turkey is a high-growth market for many investments and businesses. Turkey’s recent growth record, its young and talented workforce, and its strategic location between Europe and Asia make the country a very attractive destination for growth and investment.

So if you are an investor and you intend starting your business in Turkey, you need to get professional legal consulting. 


Open the Company:

  •  Open the Branch or new Company in Turkey

  •  Limited liability company (LLC)

  •  Joint-Stock Company 

Other Services :

  • Preparing a Bussinnes Plan

  • Provide Relevant Business Contacts 

  • Organizing Business Meeting 

Invest ın turkey

get TURKISH cıtızenshıp



As you know, it is very difficult to get a residence permit and a work permit in another country. Especially, getting citizenship is the most difficult one.


Turkey, affords a very attractive opportunity for foreigners.

With (b) prepended to the first paragraph of Article 12 of the Law No. 5901;

• Those who obtain a residence permit further to (j) of the first paragraph of Article 31 of the Law No. 6458, by investing within the scope and amount determined by the President,

• Foreigners who hold the Turquoise Card,

may acquire Turkish citizenship based on the resolution of the President of the Republic of Turkey, provided that there are no impediments thereto pursuant to national security and public order.


The Regulation Regarding Application of Turkish Citizenship Code was recently amended. In line with the new regulations, foreigners who satisfy at least one of the below-mentioned investment options will be able to obtain Turkish Citizenship (TC) in the year 2019 for themselves as well as their families:

Option - 1 

Stipulates that a minimum amount of property (real estate) investment shall be made for $250.000 on the condition to not sell the investment property within the next 3 years. This amount has been reduced from $1milion to $ 250.000  

​Option - 2 

Requires to deposit $ 500.000 in cash (or the equal value in Turkish Lira) for at least 3 years in one of the Turkish Banks.

Option - 3 

Requires that a fixed capital investment shall be made a minimum of $ 500.000 This investment shall be confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

Option - 4 

Indicates that TC could be obtained provided that government bonds and bills to be purchased on the condition to hold them for at least 3 years. And this investment shall be confirmed by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. 

Option - 5

Foresees that it will be possible to obtain TC in the event of an investment to be made into a Turkish real estate investment trust or buy the shares of the venture capital investment fund with a minimum amount of $ 500.000 

  • Without any country restraint, anyone who purchase at least 250.000 USD worth of real estate can become a Turkish citizen.

  • Not only housing but you can also earn the right to be a Turkish citizen by purchasing different kinds of real estate such as an office, a store or an estate.

  • You can become a Turkish Citizen by purchasing one or multiple property in Turkey that is worth a minimum of $250,000.


  • Turkish citizenship  ACCEPTS DUAL NATIONALITIES,  You can keep your current citizenship alongside the Turkish Citizenship.

  • Your Spouse and your children under the age of 18 will also be granted the Turkish Citizenship. ​

  • Even if the properties that have granted the citizenship are sold, the citizenship remains protected provided that they are sold at least 3 years later.

  • Your status as as Turkish citizen will remain throughout your life and your children will be born as Turkish Citizens.​

  • To earn the right for Turkish citizenship through real estate purchasing, there is NO NEED FOR A LANGUAGE EXAM

  • As there is no need to be in Turkey during or after the application process, when deputized, GlobalB Law carries out the translation processes for you.

This law will be in effect for a short time. You should be quick to take advantage of being a Turkish citizen. We are happy to assist you with the assurance of the law office.


- To provide you with a special counsel who knows your language

- Find the best and most suitable house to buy (Collaboration with Professional Real Estate Agents) 

- To provide the house with legal assurance (Deed transactions, Notary operations, Ministry operations) 

- If required: find the best school for the child and provide the legal needs of other family members. (Collaboration with GlobalB)


Step 1 -   Obtain a Tax Registration Number

Step 2 -   Opening a Turkish Bank Account

Step 3 -   Finding the Property

Step 4 -   Purchase of the Property

Step 5 -   Acquire the Certificate of Conformity

Step 6 -   Application For Turkish Residency

Step 7 -   Get Turkish Citizenship





Foreigners who intend to extend their stay in Turkey beyond the time limit prescribed in their visa, those who need a visa exemption or intend to stay for more than ninety days must obtain a residence permit.

Foreign nationals that enter in the country with a valid passport or a substitute document as a passport are allowed to stay in our country during the term of their visa or a of a visa exemption. However, foreign nationals that wish to stay longer than the term of their visa or visa exemption period are obliged to get a residence permit.


Short-Term Residence Permit for Foreigners :

To apply for a short-term residence permit, foreigners who own real estate in Turkey or intend to establish a business or business connections in Turkey 

Long-Term Residence Permit for Foreigners:

For a long-term residence permit, foreigners who have continuously resided in Turkey for at least eight years 


There are 3 options to apply for the work permit.:

Initial Application :

In the case of applications filed abroad, foreigners are required to file an application at a consulate of the Republic of Turkey in the country of which they are a citizen or a permanent resident. The application should be accompanied by a labor contract, letter of assignment, or a document stating company partnership. The employer in Turkey is required to file an online application and submit the required information and documents to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, either in person or via mail, within ten business days following the date of the candidate’s application to a consulate. The consulates of the Republic of Turkey and the ministry will execute online the procedures for the work permit applications filed abroad.

Application for Extension:

Applications for extension of the work permit must be filed by the foreigner or the employer directly with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, by submitting the original copy of the previous work permit, along with the application form and the documents specified in the appendix of the implementation regulation.


Special Foreign Direct Investments

The "Regulation on the Employment of Foreign Nationals Within the Framework of Foreign Direct Investments" introduced special provisions regarding work permits in order to facilitate work permits. Work permit applications required for personnel to be employed within the framework of foreign direct investments to which these provisions are not applicable are subject to the abovementioned general provisions (Law no. 4817 and Implementation Regulation).


  • Fill in Application Form  

  • Get Appointment

  • Notarial formal documents preparation and registration

  • Provision document issued by the Social Security Institution

  • Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance

  • Private health insurance

This will be done with the assurance of all services law office. All your personal data will be protected. You have to be careful about this.

get resident and work permit 

GlobaB Law with its qualified lawyers and advisers is here to help you settle in Turkey and start a new life.


having more than 5 years of experience in law , our team can help you solve your problem and help you live a better life in turkey. our skilled team in different sectors of law, maritime, block chain, family problems, migration and etc. If you have law problems contact our team from the forum below 


Nowadays having young team in law is a benefit cause they are more eager to win the cases and help other people in order to grow. with courage and eagerness our team can escalate the process of solving every problem. Be calm and leave your problem to us.


Every problem needs its own solution. with our solution oriented team  we can find the perfect solution for your problem and  ease you with the result.


GlobalB is a member of CKR and it's based in US, it has relationship with other countries in Europe. so if you want to do your job world wide and communicate with other country you need a global law bureau to help you access other countries and do your business or solve the problem globally




Monday - Friday 10:00  - 18:30


Barbaros Bulvarı 31/9 Besiktas

Istanbul, Turkey 





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